If you do a general out-of-service engine, chassis engine rebuild and remodel, or rescue and recovery work you may be corrected or modified components that affect the performance of a machine. The best way to qualify the work or to evaluate the performance of the machine before or after repair is to use the dynamometer.
Performance testing the machine before repair, restoration or alteration of a component can verify if the engine meets the specifications before your work. The engine dyno testing allows you to show the problems previously existing customers and/or poor performance. Document the existing condition of the machine can eliminate problems with the engines and your customers. The engine dyno testing also allows you to prove to your customers that their machines meet or exceed specifications after the change of repair, restoration, or components. The dinamometer verify your work and customer trust in Your service advantage.
If you are a developer, engine performance/race, a dinamometer machine can isolate and measure the performance of many parameters of the overall vehicle performance. For example, many modifications that increase the power at high RPM only help and can actually reduce power at low RPM. Testing different combinations on the track could take days or weeks, a dinamometer machine can help you nail down the right combination with only a few dozen second sweep.
If you do the work of rescue, show proof of specification engine performance through the use of engine dyno testing allows you to charge more for the machines and provide a competitive advantage over other rescue sales yards. Provides diagnostic machine data and mileage numbers, verify the quality of the machine being used.
Stores that carry the following services need to have the engine dyno:
Common Out-of-Vehicle Service Engine overhaul/rebuild Engine performance testing Performance Builder/retailers of Salvage and restoration work
Get new customers Add the engine performance to service a customer base Create customer trust and satisfaction Increase the credibility of the verification engine stores records of the performance of the quality Measure performance before and after the Assembly service Detects deficiencies prior to the installation of the chassis generate extra income and cost more to your job
The engine Dyno testing and verification Resources
Dinamometer testing is the only way to verify the correct power on the machine.
Check the power and peak torque to the Dynamometer
Horsepower and torque gives the engine dyno operator or machine builders a solid foundation to make modifications in the tuning of the engine or the machine itself. If the horse power and torque rise, modifications that may be true. If they go down, those changes may be wrong. Some of the many carburetor tuning variables size and stream, the selection of the intake manifold, cam grinding and timing, timing and ignition advance curve, diameter primary tubes headers and the length, diameter and length of the collector, and the carburetor spacers. A dinamometer by data acquisition machine accurately can measure torque and RPM, then calculate the horsepower.
Have the system acquisition and data dinamometer will help you maintain Your competitive advantage. As a business owner, it is important to offer your customers new and innovative services that benefit performance of their vehicles, as well as strengthen your credibility. Here are a few you will create competitive advantage by having a dinamometer machine.
Make sure that the quality of the engine proved, and reset the customer's trust building minimised the workmanship of your machine allows for a correct evaluation of out-of-Gauge chassis performance and check for leaks, electrical problems and tuning vibration Prove quality of rebuilding before customers take delivery of Sure minimize customer complaints and warranty claims Allow crankcase blow-by of piston ring condition as a measure of Help create the basis for future verification test Charge more money for your work
You can charge more for proven engine performance compared to competitors who could not prove that his craftsmanship has been either increase engine performance, ability or match the existing engine specs. You will find that your customers are willing to pay for the engine dyno testing time. Here are some other ways to generate revenue with a dinamometer:
Independent engine builders, developers and the racing team can rent time dinamometer
Aftermarket or used parts can be verified under load for compatibility and performance
Development of exhaust, air intake and sadduccean system