When fans start talking about car vehicle and vehicle modifications, you can bet it won't be long before the subject of chipping appears. So what exactly is it? Chipping, or tuning chip, is a method of improving the performance of the machine. Performance may mean more power, higher torque, fuel economy is better, or reduce emissions.
More specifically, this term refers to modify or replace the EPROM chip in the vehicle's engine control unit (ECU). The Chip stores the software program or map that controls how the machine operated. Replacing or reprogramming the chip is an effective way to improve the performance of the machine.
The chipping bit outdated because a removable chip EPROM is no longer used in new vehicle engine control unit. Instead, the map is built directly into the ECU and can be modified through the vehicle's On Board Diagnostic port, without the need to mess around with the physical chip.
But the word is still used to refer to the ECU tuning in General, so don't be confused by the terminology. Whether you call it chipping, chip tuning, tuning, ECU or ECU remapping, the concept is the same-you set the machine with some electronic means.
You might ask yourself why you'd need to chip or remap ECU in the first place. That's because most vehicles sold to the public have been set to limit the performance of the engine, not to mengoptimalkannya. Sometimes the engine de-tuning done to make liquefied emissions. This can also be done to protect the engine from damage while operating in extreme climatic conditions.
The point is that your vehicle may be capable of more than you realize. ECU Remapping safely can release a number of tough extra torque and power from your engine without overloading the vehicle. And if you've made changes to the car that affects combustion system, such as the engine, the intake, or exhaust modification, it is a good idea to remap ECU to account for modifications. If not, you may not see the full advantage of the power and performance you expect.
Is there a risk for chipping of your car? Now, before you think about doing it, you should make sure the engine components and other vehicles are in good condition. Try to improve the car's performance on less maintained can be a disaster. And of course, every time someone physically handle and ECU EPROM chip, there is a possibility of damaging the fragile devices.
Even with the new car, in which the engine control unit is never even touched during remapping process, there is a risk if things are not done properly. The Chip is not properly set or ECU negative can affect the performance and drivability, and even stress can be a nuisance car early. But you can avoid this danger by choosing a reputable company to work on your vehicle.
Enough about the risks-let's talk about the benefits! After chipping or ECU remapping, car has a higher torque and BHP. The engine produces more torque at lower RPM, for faster throttle response and better acceleration. Shifting gears smoother and faster, sending more power even in the entire range, and flat spots removed. Because the fuel burns more efficiently, you may see reduced fuel consumption with normal driving.
Overall the vehicle quieter, easier to drive, and more responsive to your commands. The typical ECU remap cost several hundred pounds, but the performance upgrades can be wonderful, especially on turbo diesel vehicles. It's almost like driving a new car, but without the monthly loan payment.
If you like the car, there is no end to the ways you can personalize your vehicle-change your body, change the tires, renovate interior, and much more. But car enthusiasts often get great joy from modifying the car to boost engine output. Short investment in vehicles, expensive high-performance, chipping is the best way to gain extra strength and enhanced drivability of your car.