Thursday, November 22, 2012

Reduce sales in the Auto industry Require new responsibilities For Automotive advertising agencies

The role of automotive advertising agency consolidation in the automotive industry currently has to change to accommodate the needs of car dealers that they serve. Reduce the volume of sales and profits has forced auto dealers to reduce automotive advertising budget and sales staff. As a direct result, automotive advertising agency challenged to deliver more for less and reduced budgets and traffic the floor indicated that they should increase the area of their responsibility to justify the cost of their agency or the risk of losing the account. More importantly, they must learn the automotive industry from the perspective of a car dealership if they hope to be able to contribute in a meaningful way.

Assuming that all of us work our salary plan to maximize the ROI on our own in the careers we choose in the automotive advertising industry, I thought I'd share some best practices on the internet an automotive dealer sales process with my fellow professional automotive ads to help them better serve their auto dealer clients. Not all situations I discuss will apply to any car dealership so pay attention to the people who do and save the others for future reference if they surface in other forms. I will cover common issues that are a part of human nature. After all, the key to success in business cars in person-not in the franchise or the amenities so that the most problems start and finish with the people.

The internet-from the perspective of the Dealer

As a new and used car dealer consultants dealer operations is currently marketing and I am always amazed by the disconnect between the dealer and their key personnel. I liken miscommunication purposes with them-to sell more car/the service and make more money – with a long marriage. Courtship is similar to the interview and the first few months as an extended honeymoon. After the excitement died down it is a lot of work to remember why you got married in the first place, but well worth the effort!

Dealers are people too! They often indulge their emotions in the hiring process is based on the fact that they need help more than the applicants need a job! Great interview job applicants in the hope of getting the dealer and a desire to solve the problem-not making friends. Business needs they were finally beyond the emotions and words such as bottom line profit, accountability, and the latest buzz words – verified ROI-took over. The Dealer must always have an explanation of duties and areas of responsibility along with compensation supported plans based on the guidelines and objectives of the Department and individuals. Unfortunately, not many car dealers have them these days and some automotive advertising agency is ready to provide them.

The current market losses has forced dealers to make the difficult decisions that must be made before the position was even considered. Survival of the fittest must apply! This is a dirty job but someone has to do it and the Dealer must base its decision on the performance of individual profit and contribute or we will all suffer the consequences! That deficiency observed is the perfect opportunity to think ahead and ready automotive advertising agency to get their costs when direct sales are not going to support them in delivering the needs observed for client agents they auto while providing them the process proved to satisfy them.